Operation Healing
Providing healing outdoor wildlife activities for Veterans and their families.
A Message from Our President
“Have you ever sat around the campfire on a starry night and felt at peace? Or felt the satisfaction of catching an elusive fish, or the exhilaration of reaching the peak of a challenging hike? At Operation Healing, we believe that nature has the power to heal and change lives.
Welcome to our website and the exciting work we’re privileged to provide to veterans and their families! We’re a group of military folks (and other patriots) who plan outdoor experiences for our wounded veterans. By providing support running overnight camps, cooking, transportation and safety equipment—our veterans get to focus on the fun stuff: Fishing, hunting, hiking, or just relaxing around the campfire… swapping stories with their military brothers, sisters and families. S’mores included!
Whether its simple nature hikes in the Pacific Northwest area or 5 day excursions to Alaska—we’re always looking for volunteers and other amazing veteran’s organizations to partner with. So welcome! If you love veterans and are moved to donate your time or resources—then join our operation. Operation Healing!”
~ Pat Carpenter, Operation Healing President
Who We Are
A group of Veterans and patriots established Operation Healing in 2015 to provide restorative support for their brothers and sisters who were wounded serving their country. We provide integrated activities in the outdoors to effect healing for veterans and first responders who have experienced traumatic injuries. Events include healing group excursions to Alaska, as well as team support to other veterans groups.
Board members volunteer their time in support of Operation Healing activities and other veterans’ outdoor events in the Pacific NW.
In addition, Operation Healing proudly partners with, and supports, other veterans groups (Heroes on the Water, Carry the Load, e.g.) helping to provide a full range of support services for similar outdoor activities available locally for veterans and families. More about us…

What We Do
Operation Healing brings Veterans and First Responders together in Alaska for a five-day outdoor experience to support healing, restoration and reintegration. Small groups are flown into Ketchikan, Alaska, for outdoor activities to provide a mutually healing experience . They stay in chalet cabins at Chinook Shores Lodge overlooking peaceful Knudson Cove, where they share meals and camaraderie among others with similar traumatic experiences, fishing, hiking, whale and wildlife viewing, kayaking, and exploring local history. For these few days, veterans:
Experience peace & quiet away from daily stresses & challenges
Find relief – lighten despair – find hope – interact with other Veterans and rediscover friendship and support
Restore a healthy sense of self for reintegration with family & the community
Why We Do It
Those who have experienced combat-induced trauma and injuries face unique, long-term challenges
As veterans, we have some understanding of the difficulties some of our comrades have had in coming back. Bridging military and civilian worlds can present unique challenges. Reintegration with family and former life situations, particularly after combat, can be extremely difficult for individuals coming from traumatic war experiences.
Many have lingering effects of war, including physical and traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress. The effects can disrupt trust of even those closest to an individual. They can feel alone, isolated and disconnected. It can be exhausting and erode relationships, making it increasingly difficult to seek help. A helping hand towards healing can make a huge difference.
Studies show natural environments have a restorative impact upon individuals
Veteran-led initiatives, the military and the VA are increasingly recognizing the role of outdoor recreation in healing post-traumatic injuries. This is substantiated by numerous studies showing the benefits of outdoor experiences on healing of traumatic injuries.
Interacting in outdoor activities, specifically with others of similar traumatic experience, produces significant improvements in psychosocial well-being and aides in healing traumatic injuries
This is meant to be a mutually healing experience to help reduce stress, create new relationships with others who understand, and to remind vets they are not forgotten, they survived and are not alone. They can be whole again, strong and empowered to help others, as perhaps they envisioned when they first entered the service.
For Operation Healing volunteers, our investment is in lodge sweat, trials, and experience, tried and true. The goal is to help vets to be whole again. The focus is on healing and restoring peace and hope. The more whole our veterans and first responders are, the more they can pay it forward – be better spouses, parents and community contributors. Going home with a fish is just a bonus.